Portraits of Sawyer is: Ben Wiggins Vocals, Piano, Guitar Adam Henry Garcia Guitar, Vocals, Percussion
Ben and Adam started the band in Brooklyn in 2008. They’ve both been hailing from Vermont since 2017.
Whatever You May Say The new album was released on 8/13/21! It is now available on all major platforms!
- The first single, ‘Mullet Action’ was released on 7/2/21
- The second single, the title track ‘Whatever You May Say’ was released on 7/16/21
- The third single ‘Strawberry Moon’ with special guest artist Claire Wellin (Youth in a Roman Field) on violin was released on 7/30/21
John The Mayor Originally written as a joke five years before, this one was suddenly and strangely appropriate for the absurd shitshow of 2016, so we put on finishing touches and released it.
Bruce (Misery) One of our favorite new songs at the time, we cobbled together a single while living on different coasts in 2014.
The Superdestroyer EP The strongest 5 songs from the original demo were released on iTunes and other platforms in 2009.
Superdestroyer The first demo, a 10-track recorded on GarageBand in a bedroom in 2008. Very few copies were made, it’s hard to find.